Big Thanks and Big News

Before I get to the international news, I’d like to thank everyone involved in the launch of Riding Fear Free: Help for Fearful Riders and Their Teachers, which I had the honor of co-writing with Laura Daley. The ebook is out now, and the paperback is coming soon. Laura and I hope our book helps lots of fearful riders gallop toward their dreams.

Now for my international news:

Editions Bragelonne will be publishing Charlotte Collins and Caroline Bingley in French!

The deal is done, the contracts are signed, and soon Caroline and Charlotte will be en francais! I had the privilege of working with Damaris Rowland and Lori Antonson of the Axelrod Agency in bringing the deal to a close. So thanks to them for all their assistance.

This was an unexpected and pleasant development, and I’m thrilled that my first (and hopefully not last) foreign edition will be in French. As a French major, I will be able to read it (even if I didn’t have the skills to translate it myself).

14 thoughts on “Big Thanks and Big News

    1. That’s great! I may already have met my first French readers via Austenesque Reviews! Yay! Thank you, Meredith.

  1. That’s fantastic news! Congratulations! Having your books published in French is so cool!

    BTW, I am one of those fearful riders! I have been kicked (while I was riding another horse), thrown off and stepped on too many times.

    1. Thanks, Candy! I’m very excited!

      I hating hearing about those riding accidents. You’re fears are totally justified, but you can still ride fear free if you want to! Laura Daley is the fear master, and she totally helped me!

  2. YAY!! Congratulations, Jennifer! What an accomplishment! I am very excited for you! Woohoo! Next stop…take over the world of publishing! 😉

  3. AHHHHH!!!! I have BOOK ENVY! It’s a not-so-secret dream of mine to be published internationally. I am so excited for you, Jennifer! Oh, and once again you are my guinea pig. Let me know if having an international book deal is as awesome as I suspect. 😉

    1. You never know! You may be next. This was a total surprise to me, and it will be interesting to see how it all works. 🙂

  4. This is wonderful news! You should be proud of your hard work! Many congrats. I’m so glad these readers will get to experience your take on the Austen world.

    1. Thanks for all your help on my books, Kelley. I wouldn’t be where I am without you!

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