
With one of my writing arms out of commission temporarily, I decided to tackle some housekeeping matters that I’ve been putting off. I’m hoping I won’t need my left arm too much to do the digital chores I have in mind.

We’ll see.

Today, I took down my longtime freelance editing and writing website and will be replacing it with a hosted WordPress blog that will eventually encompass all the facets of my business: editing, novel writing, blogging, free short stories, and more.

I was surprised by the sadness that welled up at taking down that old page. Freelance editing has been my craft and trade for ten years, and for most of those years, I’ve genuinely enjoyed it. It taught me all the skills I needed to make Charlotte Collins happen. It paid my rent and kept me fed and warm. It helped me afford a horse. I’m thankful that I’ve been able to freelance.

No, I’m not going to quit editing. I can’t. I still need to eat. So does the horse. But I’m slowly moving to another phase of my career, and I’m changing things to better suit my new goals. I’ll still be editing for my clients, but I’m not taking on more new ones. I’ll be using my time now to write, I hope.

This is exciting and scary and sad all at the same time. I suppose change is like that. But it’s time, and I’ve already taken the first step: this crazy indie publishing venture. Now, it’s time to make this new direction permanent. I’m going to consolidate my online presence into one place, and hopefully, it will be neater and more professional looking than ever before.

If I can use my arm well enough to make that happen…

One thought on “Changes

  1. Read your previous post . . . ouch! Hope you're 'back on the horse' soonest. And good luck with your new venture. There are times when one can tell when it's time to move on . . . and usually for the best.

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