
Are you on Bookbub?

I am. Actually, I’m on it twice under my two different genre names.

I’ve been part of Bookbub for years, and it’s really developed into something more than a book recommendation newsletter. It’s like social media for book lovers.

You can still get book recommendation newsletters for genres you select. But now, you can connect with fellow readers. By doing so, you can get recommendations (not paid ads) from people you trust and share your own recommendations with others.  It’s a fun way to share the books you love.

You can also connect with authors. Once you follow an author on Bookbub, you get updates on book releases as soon as they are available. You can also get updated whenever one of your favorite author’s books is discounted.

If you’re on Bookbub, let’s connect!

Jennifer Becton for Austenesque Historical Fiction and Modern Austen Short Stories

J. W. Becton for Southern Fraud Mysteries and Mercer Murders