Career Suicide?

Check out Writer’s Digest.
Great information here!

Even Writer’s Digest agrees, I have not committed career suicide!


In the words of the world’s best English teacher Harriett Gillham: *twirls*

Jane Friedman has posted an article debunking the myth that self-published authors will sabotage their chances at a traditional publishing deal. She indicates that publishers are eager to jump on an already successful bandwagon: fans and followers, on-line and regional sales, buzz. That’s the stuff that matters, not the name of the publisher on the spine. About time! In the past, publishers were in charge; they told us what we ought to read and hoped it would be purchased. Today, readers are in charge, and publishers are listening.

Self-publishing, however, is not for the weak-willed or half-hearted writer. I have found that it is a grueling process. I designed my cover, typeset my interior, and, of course, wrote the manuscript. Every single facet of the book depends on me. Every mistake is mine. And more, I am the marketing force (heh) behind the book too. It is a time-consuming, emotional venture.

Friedman lists several recent self-published titles that have been picked up by large publishers. I hope the list continues to grow in the coming years, and yes, I hope Charlotte Collins is on it!