Bookbub Are you on Bookbub? I am. Actually, I’m on it twice under my two different genre names. I’ve been part of Bookbub […]
The Marketing Department: What Not to Do As I reviewed my proposed outline for what has turned into a 7-part series on book marketing, I realized I’m heading into […]
Gaming the System Recently, one of my social media feeds spit out this article, which details how certain members of the indie author community are gaming the […]
The Marketing Department: Giveaways and Sales (Part 4) The Marketing Department Giveaways and Sales If you opted to enroll your book in KDP Select, you are entitled to 7 days […]
Spend a Year with Jane Austen I have two new Kindle options: 1. A Year with Jane Austen: Modern Austen Short Stories Celebrate the holidays and special seasons […]