Housekeeping Matter 1: I’m just about ready to send Sunset Clause to early readers! Yay! I’m really pleased with how the book is turning out, but I wish I could write faster. (As always!)
Housekeeping Matter 2: You may notice some of my books disappearing from the Jennifer Becton Amazon Author Page. When I started writing thrillers, I wanted to use a variation of my name so that readers would have a way to distinguish my historical fiction books from my more modern books, which have a very different tone and feel. I wasn’t trying to hide my identity, just provide another way for readers to distinguish between my genre and tone. J. W. Becton is listed as the primary author of my thrillers, but I also added Jennifer Becton as a contributor. For reasons of improving both genres’ visibility on Amazon, I am removing “Jennifer Becton” from the thrillers and starting a new J. W. Becton author page. Supposedly, this will make it easier for the algorithm to suggest my books to other readers. We shall see.
Thus ends the housekeeping.
Happy Friday, and have a great weekend!