I’ve had Amazon Prime for years, but I used it primarily (pun, sorry) for the free shipping, video streaming, Kindle Lending, and Prime Day sales.
But I was totally missing out!
Did you know about Prime Reading? You probably do. As I said, I’m behind. I recently went camping and wanted to load up my Kindle with things to read by the fire. While I was browsing, I came across this new-to-me-but maybe-not-to-the-rest-of-the-world feature and about danced a jig.
Tons of free things to read! I loaded up and took my devices to the mountains. There’s nothing like relaxing by a fire in total darkness with a nice book to read.
Okay, now back to Prime Reading itself. If you’re already a member of the Amazon Prime program, it’s included at no additional charge (unlike the Kindle Unlimited program). You don’t even have to own a Kindle. All you need is a device of your choosing and the free reading apps.
Boom! You get access to tons of books and magazines. And they are actually items you’d want to read! Seriously, go look. You’ll find something to enjoy or mock (whatever suits you).
Here’s how it works:
- Choose your books or magazines from the Prime Reading selection.
- Click “borrow for free.”
- The item is sent directly to the device you choose. (Again, you don’t have to own a Kindle. You can just download the free Kindle app and use whatever you have.)
- Read and enjoy.
- When you’re done, return the item.
- Choose more!
You can check out 10 items at a time! TEN!
Even if you hate the book, you’re not losing any money. It’s risk-free reading from your couch. No trip to the library needed.
With the price of Prime going up this year, it only makes sense make yourself aware of everything the program entails. And that’s:
I didn’t know about Prime Reading, but it makes me much more willing to pay the new, higher price. And it makes me wonder what else I’m missing out on.
So are you already using Prime Reading? If so, what should I check out next? Or are you just as behind as me?
2 thoughts on “Making the Most of Amazon Prime: Prime Reading”
I’m so behind also! I think I used it once last year but was confused and thought it was Kindle Unlimited. I saw the 10 books thing but didn’t understand when I couldn’t check out another book (which was the K-unlimited) I still probably haven’t returned that first book! Ha!
That’s exactly what I thought! I didn’t know Prime Reading was a different thing. I morphed it with Kindle Unlimited and the Kindle Owner’s Lending Library. There are so many ways to get lots of books for a good price!
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