
Beginning on June 6, I’ll be blogging twice a month at Austen Authors. I’m honored to have been invited to join this group of authors, and I look forward to contributing there.

I’ll also be joining another exciting Austen blog, which hasn’t been launched yet so I’m keeping my lips sealed about it, but I’m looking forward to that too! I’ll be posting there on the last Friday of each month about publishing topics.

I’ll be adding both blogs to a sidebar blogroll so you can follow along from here if you like.

Also, I figure it’s time for a sales figure update.

“Maria Lucas” has sold 400 copies since I launched it March 5. That is above and beyond anything I expected. Thank you for buying!

Charlotte Collins is approaching 4,000 sales. This month was quite interesting to watch the Austen genre on Amazon. Several sequels, and at least two from big names in the genre, came out and at various price points, and I’m not going to be coy. My sales slowed for a while. This is to be expected in the ebb and flow of the industry, but it has been especially instructive to watch what the new releases have done in relation to price. Charlotte seems to have stabilized, and I’m anxious to see what happens to it when Caroline comes out.

On that subject, I recommend using Createspace’s Expanded Distribution. My overall income from paperbacks has increased by 50 percent since I expanded distribution, but I’m still selling at the same rate. The price has dropped to $9.35, but I’m making more money per book. However, it takes up to 3 months for changes to propagate throughout the expanded system, so I plan to give it a few months before I expand on Caroline just in case I find some awful error in the paperback edition. I don’t want 3 months of errors getting out there.

Oh, and Absolute Liability is at the proofer, and Caroline will be there soon. Then, I’ll be making the final corrections and formatting them for publication. I’m so excited!

And one more thing, I’ll be launching my new Southern Fraud/J. W. Becton website and sharing the cover of Absolute Liability in the next few weeks!

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